Martin Forsén
CEO, Silvipar AB
Martin Forsén joined SilviPar in 2020. He has 19 years’ experience in projects involving more than 1,900,000 ha of planted area globally.
Prior to SilviPar, Martin was the CEO of Burapha (SilviLao) in Laos, a 60,000ha forest development with plywood mill, where he was responsible for securing US$40m funding for the company’s expansion. Martin was also CEO of Domsjö Fiber, a wood and biofuel procurement company with an annual turnover of US$100m. He was a member of the board of Domsjö Fiber and the chairman of two Baltic companies, Domse Latvia and Domse Lietuva
Martin has been awarded Guldkvisten, given by HM the King Carl XIV Gustaf to individuals who have made valuable contributions for sustainable utilisation of forestry resources. He holds an MSc in Forestry from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and an Executive MBA at the Stockholm School of Economics.